Spring Living Fair

It’s no joke; on April 1st we’re going to be at the Spring Living Fair showing off our newest builds. We’ll also have bamboo shirts for sale and you can sign up for our workshops right at our booth. It’s free, so stop on by Heritage Hall on Main Street at 15th Avenue. Doors open at 10:30.

Get Your Make On!

After the great turn out last year, the Vancouver Mini Maker Faire is back. As a primer for the full blown faire there will be a series of events including the Maker Faire fundraiser. This show-and-tell will be hosted March 15th at the Museum of Vancouver and feature such great things as music, food and makers. More info at makerfairevanmov.eventbrite.com or www.facebook.com/events/348824631805917/

We’re on Reddit!

We’re doing a Reddit IAMA, so come over and ask us anything! http://redd.it/qd76p